October is here and I am ready to welcome the sweater weather! This month I am reflecting on something that as females we don’t talk about. I am calling it the unspoken fear. The fear of breast cancer is something I rarely talk about, but it’s always there, quietly lingering in the back of my mind. Every time I do a self exam or go in for routine check up, there’s a moment of dread – what if they find something? Even the smallest change in my body can send my thoughts spiraling. I know it’s common, I know people survive it, but the idea that my life could be turned upside down in an instant is terrifying. It’s a fear I don’t often voice, maybe because saying it out loud makes it feel more real. I know that I am not alone with this unspoken fear. So as women let’s support each other this month and talk about it. We never know how these conversations can ease our mind.

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