I am Maye Angelastro. A passionate licensed mental health counselor and mindset coach. I believe everyone has the potential to create the life they were meant to live in the midst of challenges. Working hand in hand with those who want to get out of their own way through holistic and positive approaches.
Highlights from the Blog

How Cortisol Affects Your Body
Stress is your body’s fight-or-flight response to environmental triggers. The driving force behind this is your stress hormone, the cortisol….

Managing Difficult Family Relationships During the Holidays: A Step-by-Step Approach to Keeping Peace
It’s that time of year again. The lights are strung up, the kitchen is busy, and the family is……tense. Holidays…

Who we are…
Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you seem to get nowhere? Are you feeling overwhelmed with simple tasks in life? Are you wondering if you have what it takes to tackle life transitions? You are not alone. At some time in our life we face difficult situations that seem to be impossible to overcome. We believe that everyone has the skills within themselves to overcome life’s curve balls. Sometimes dealing with the unexpected looks like anxiety, depression, trauma, or relational issues. Regardless of what it feels like, you are not alone. We can help.