I can’t believe it is already May! I feel like this year is flying by. May is full of celebrations for me. This month we are celebrating Mothers. As you already know, I am the mother of a boy and girl and I am blessed to still have my mother around and nearby. As I reflect on mothers’ day I think about everything it means to be a mother. I like to call it the most rewarding challenge I experience. Do not get me wrong. I love my children but there are other parts of motherhood nobody talks about. The excessive worries that creep up which apparently never goes away. The juggling between roles in their lives. And let’s not forget the balancing act we must provide between careers and home life. We are expected to do all of this while remaining present with our partner and ourselves. When you see a mother, remember she is trying her best. Remember she is a person. Remember to appreciate her even in the smallest things. And if you are a mother, remember to celebrate yourself.