Hello November! It is officially the start of the holiday festivities and I must say I adore this time of the year. The moment I realized November was arriving, I immediately started reflecting on 2023. I couldn’t help but to smile and feel grateful for the blessings AND the mistakes of the year. Yea, you read that right. I AM grateful for the mistakes I made throughout the year. Let me explain. I am fully committed to my journey in life and for me that includes choosing how I see my mistakes. At the moment I will admit that I cringe at the face of failure. However, I combat that feeling with asking myself what did I learn from that experience. Many people fear failure but why not reflect on how are we supposed to learn something new if we don’t fail. During this time of gratitude, challenge yourself to see your failures as something positive. Reflect on them and be grateful for the lesson you acquired from it. Grab your coffee and a journal. And let’s reflect together and change our mindset to see what happens…..