Hello December! And it is the happiest time of the year!!!!! Or is it? Do you feel joyful in December or do you get the holiday blues? This can truly go either way for anyone. Most people are wrapped up in joyous activities like baking, parties, shopping and decorating. Others can see these events as stressful and for others it can be daunting to see family. Regardless of how you experience the holidays, you must realize that YOU have the ultimate decision on how to feel. Yes, we know that decisions cannot change the past. However, how we let the past dictate the future is definitely on us. Society does not have to dictate how you celebrate this month. We can start by adding some kindness in the world. Perhaps the first person to treat with kindness should be ourselves. How do I want to make myself feel? What do I want to do with my holidays? Where should I be during these times? And who do I choose to spend my time with? These are simple ways we can show up for ourselves in kindness. Give it a try and see what happens when you gift yourself a random act of kindness!

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